News and articles

  1. Closing for Canada Day

    CATEGORY: Health

    Closing for Canada Day

    We will be closed on Canada Day weekend.

  2. Closing of Saint John

    CATEGORY: Operating

    Closing of Saint John

    We will be closed for the Saint John weekend.

  3. IPL treatment for dry eye

    CATEGORY: Health

    IPL treatment for dry eye

    New: the Clinic now offers IPL treatment to treat dry eye.

  4. Covered glasses for children under 18

    CATEGORY: Health

    Covered glasses for children under 18

    The Mieux voir pour réussir program

  5. Retinitis pigmentosa: what is it?

    CATEGORY: Health

    Retinitis pigmentosa: what is it?

    Progressive hereditary disease that gradually leads to blindness (permanent vision loss).

  6. Low vision: what is it and what solutions?

    CATEGORY: Health

    Low vision: what is it and what solutions?

    Reading, writing, grocery shopping, driving, recognizing faces… Things of everyday life that can be affected or compromised in the event of significant vision loss.

  7. Retinoblastoma: what is it?

    CATEGORY: Health

    Retinoblastoma: what is it?

    Retinoblastoma (or RB) is a rare form of eye cancer that mainly affects children from birth to 5 years old.

  8. Buying Contact Lenses Online: Risks You Can Avoid

    CATEGORY: Health

    Buying Contact Lenses Online: Risks You Can Avoid

    It would be tempting to order your contact lenses online for many reasons. But this practice can be risky for your vision and your eye health.

  9. Playing outside can help preserve children's eyesight

    CATEGORY: Health

    Playing outside can help preserve children's eyesight

    Nowadays, the time spent by children playing outside is decreasing more and more. On the contrary, the time spent in front of screens (computer, cell phone, tablet, etc.) is increasing and with it, the number of myopic children.